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Bank of England Explores Ripple's Interledger Protocol for Streamlined Payments

Martin Freiberger, August 02, 2023

Discover how the Bank of England (BoE) is revolutionizing the world of cross-border payments with Ripple's Interledger Protocol.

The Bank of England (BoE) continues to demonstrate its commitment to blockchain technology with the release of a groundbreaking paper titled "Ripple: Exploring the Synchronized Settlement of Payments using the Interledger Protocol." This document delves into the potential use cases of Ripple's protocol for synchronized settlement across multiple ledgers.

The BoE recognizes the remarkable impact that Ripple's protocol could have on the cross-border payments industry. By bridging various payment networks, including financial institutions and digital assets, the protocol has the potential to revolutionize how transactions are settled.

One of the primary objectives of Ripple's protocol is to establish a fast and efficient payment ecosystem. The BoE's paper provides intriguing insights into the successful implementation of this protocol with the Real-Time Gross Settlement (RTGS) systems, showcasing its ability to significantly streamline transactions compared to traditional payment methods.

This recent development highlights the growing interest of central banks, such as the Bank of England, in exploring the potential of blockchain technology. Just earlier this year, the BoE and the Treasury embarked on a public consultation to gather insights on the potential use cases of Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), specifically the digital pound in British society.

As the financial landscape continues to embrace digital innovation, CBDCs are gaining momentum worldwide. For instance, regulators in the European Union are actively exploring the possibility of implementing a digital euro. The BoE's efforts to explore the Ripple protocol align with this wider trend of embracing the transformative potential of digital currencies.

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Martin Freiberger, August 02, 2023
Source: Crypto news

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